The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) group of Ambassadors in Madrid hosted a lunch in honor of the officials of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC), and Casa Asia held in the official residence of the Philippine Ambassador, H.E. Carlos C. Salinas.
The lunch served as a means for the ASEAN Ambassadors to informally present the proposed establishment of an ASEAN Committee in Madrid and the suggested hosting of ASEAN activities in Madrid to the MAEC and Casa Asia officials.
In photos from left to right are: Mr. Dario Otero, Deputy Director General of the Office of International Economic and Energy Affairs of MAEC; Hon. Nitaya Jessdachatr, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of Thailand; H.E. Dato´Naimun Ashakli Mohammad, Ambassador of Malaysia; Mr. Jesus Sanz, Director General of Casa Asia; H.E. José Maria Rodriguez Coso, Chief of Protocol of MAEC; H.E. Carlos C. Salinas, Ambassador of the Philippines; H.E. Jose Eugenio Salarich de Valderrama, Director General for International Economic and Energy Affairs of MAEC; Ms. Teresa Gutierres del Álamo, Acting Director of Casa Asia Madrid; H.E. Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady, Ambassador of Indonesia; H.E. Truong Trieu Duong, Ambassador of Vietnam, and Ms. Blanca Londaiz, Deputy Director General for Asia Pacific and North American Affairs of MAEC.