The organizers of the Ruta Quetzal BBVA announced that they are already accepting applications for the Ruta Quetzal BBVA 2013. This year´s theme is “De la Selva del Darién a la Europa de Carlos V. La Gran Aventura del Descubrimiento del Mar del Sur.”
The 2013 edition of Ruta Quetzal is exclusively open to candidates born in 1996 or 1997.
To all applicants falling under Model 2 (non-Spanish residents), you are required to submit a copy of the online completed application form and other requirements to the Philippine Embassy in Madrid ( for endorsement. Please note that the Philippine Embassy in Madrid will have to choose one among the many applicants to endorse to the organizers.
Furthermore, please note that this year the organizers require applicants under Model 2 to submit an essay on a short social project undertaking as one of the requirements for the selection process.
For the rules on the selection process and the application procedure interested parties may visit Deadline for submission of application is on 29 January 2013.